541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services
Place of Performance: Suitland , MD 20746
RFP due in late 2024
US Census Bureau is the Nation’s primary source of statistics about the U.S.
population, housing, and economy. These measures assist the Congress, the
Executive branch of the Federal Government, state and local governments, the
public, and the private sector in the development and evaluation of social and economic
activities. The Census Bureau’s major programs include periodic censuses,
current surveys, and a wide range of reimbursable work performed on behalf of
other agencies.
The reliable collection, preparation, tabulation, and dissemination of demographic and economic statistics are vital to the Census Bureau’s mission. The 2030 Census & Decennial Directorate will take advantage of new technologies and data sources while minimizing risks and costs to provide a high-quality population count.
This is a new requirement. Given significant advances in cloud, secure applications, and advanced data science, the Census Bureau is ready to focus efforts on technology transformation and application modernization for the Decennial programs.
This new Decennial Transformation & Application Modernization (DTAM) procurement will provide the Census Bureau with a single award that can provide and manage a range of application modernization services. The Government is anticipating a Period of Performance of up to 8 years.
The Draft DTAM PWS requirements are designed to support Decennial programs transformation to secure cloud applications and expanded use of advanced data science.
These requirements will enable the secure design, operations, and management of applications and the deployment of innovative solutions to improve the Census Bureau’s ability to create high quality data products for its stakeholders and customers.
While the Draft DTAM PWS does not speak explicitly to the size and complexity of Decennial programs, it is a very important for Interested Parties to understand the requirements from this perspective for this SSN/RFI.
Initial Phone Consultation are Always FREE