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State& Local Government Dept of General Services (DGS) Vendor Registration

State& Local Government Opportunities.

Description of eSM

We provides full service eSM preparation.

The multiple award schedule program was established in 1994. The eSM contracts are awarded and administered by the State Department of General Services. The S.MAS contracts are established using products, services and prices from already existing competitively assessed and cost compared multiple award contracts.

The products, services and prices are primarily from the Federal FSS GSA eSM program, but not exclusively. To these products, services and prices, the states DGS contract terms and conditions and procurement codes and policies that establish a totally independent contract agreement.

If your Business Focuses ans Service Area is Limited To Certain Geographic Region or Specific Area Of Expertise |S|B|G|A|® Offers All That During Registration Process.

|S|B|G|A|® is proud of the services we provide on behalf of our clients. Our clients chose us because they understand what separates |S|B|G|A|® from the your competitors in one word MARKETING!

There are a lot of firms out there who can do a EXCELLENT job helping you get your eSM application properly submitted.

What separates the men from the boys… in one word MARKETING!

eSM. Also Guarantees Your Vendor Registration with the DGS and Give You Access To Each and Every State or Federally Funded Contract Available Within Your Region.

Simple Requirements:

To participate on Program You Will Need to Supply The Following Information.

(There will be additional requirements, credentials,references, technical&trade licenses, bonds and insurance may be required depending on contract types)

1-Federal tax-id)

2-DUNS number

3-Designated Tel/Fax line & access to e Mail

4-Basic Data of Your Firm.

eSM is primarily an State Procurement System aimed exclusively at reducing costs and creating efficiencies in the State Market Place. Through that success, opportunities have emerged which allow state, local and non-profit agencies to access the S.M.A.S. platform and promote additional savings.

 |S|B|G|A| Offers Fully Expedite Enrollment Service For $485  

Service includes:

1- NIGP / NAISC Code Search as pertains to your Services.

2- Terms of Use Document and Regional Price List if Applicable.

3- Obtain Your Vendor ID/Number in 48Hrs .

4- Running System QC checks To Ensure Accuracy.

5- Provide an Hour of onsite Systems Training.

The eSM programs Assigns All Contracts, RFP_RFQ_IFB_QQ & Blanket Purchase Agreements From The Following State Entities:

State& Local Government cooperative Purchases (DGS)

Disaster recovery
Cooperative purchasing
School Systems
Community Colleges
Dept of Corrections
Transportation Dept
State IT& Digital Infrastructure Dept
State Dept of Health 
State Law Enforcement Agencies
Airports Authority


Fully Expedited Service is Available


Service is available for all State& Counties

Same Day Service is Available for additional fee*

Call  the |S|B|G|A| for FREE consultation**
(202) 417-SBGA