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FedMall is an eCommerce ordering system for the Department of Defense, federal, state, and authorized local agencies to search for and acquire products from government reserves and commercial sources.
Via FedMall, customers have access to millions of individual items of supply, from centrally managed DoD and General Services Administration assets to commercial off-the-shelf products. FedMall also provides access to requisitions, research, and tracking tools for DLA inventory.

FedMall contains two main portals that users must access. FedMall Customers (buyers) must register and access the Commerce Portal; while Suppliers (vendors) must register and access the Supplier’s Portal.

Here is what you need to know about FEDMALL:
 FedMall provides e-Commerce purchasing for:
 Department of Defense (DOD) agencies

 Federal, State, and Local governments

 DoD contractors under Contractor Logistics Support Agreements

 FedMall offers over 56 million items for purchase, including National Stock

Number (NSN), commercial contract and “Marketplace” commercial items

 FedMall “Marketplace” supports market-driven competition with dynamic
pricing, ability for vendors to upload catalogs and allowance for GPC
Purchases under the micro-purchase threshold

 FedMall supports 33K active customers
 Customer orders valued at $273M were placed in FY23

 US Military customers account for 63% of FedMall sales


 and catalogued items 5 categoris and up to 50 items.

 Service includes PIEE6 and FEDMALL only

  For FREE consultation  Call: (202)417-SBGA