Call Us Today! +1(202)417-7242 | contact@sbga.us

  Resident Agent Service  

What if I have an out-of-state corporation or LLC that needs to do business in the DMV?

In Washington DC - Maryland - Virginia , if you’re incorporating your company, forming an LLC, registering an out-of-state entity, or complying with licensing requirements, you are required to have a registered agent.

When you file a Certificate of Authority in the District of Columbia - Maryland or Virginia you are required to obtain an original Certificate of Good Standing from the state your business entity is registered in.

In addition all new filers and out of state firms have to research the name availability / reserve & obtain a fictitious name right or DBA name  from localities General District Court

|S|B|G|A| is a certified registered agent service in the District of Columbia , Maryland & Virginia that helps out-of-state businesses register to do business in and helps keep local DC businesses in good standing with the DC Department of Licensing & Consumer Protection (DLCP).

With the |S|B|G|A| as your registered agent, you get:

instant service,

a business address,

Privacy by Default,

mail forwarding.

And when you want more? Add a domain name, website, email, and phone number for free.

Keep reading to learn more about our service, registered agent requirements, and how having a qualified registered agent adds value to your business. Or, if you're ready to get started call us to start the process or for FREE consultation.

Our RA services is: $39 per year

Additional filing fee's and services are as follow:

Name Availability Research / Reservation & Name right: $175

Fictitious Name Right Certificate From General District Court: $225

Corporation, INC, LLC Formation: $850

Resolution of Trade Name Adoption: $135

  Call The |S|B|G|A| for Free Consultation or to start the process 
Tel: 202-417-SBGA

  Click Here To Reach us via secure messaging system