Almost all federal agencies participate in the HUBZone program. However,
The provisions of the Small Business Act apply only to procurement's made in the United States.
Most procurement's made by the
U.S. Postal Service
The Federal Aviation Administration
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The U.S. Congress, and procurement's made through GSA schedules are excluded from the HUB_zone Program.
HUBZone certification will greatly help you to:
Access to loans: A business person registered under SBA program gets to
enjoy additional bonding and loan programs accessibility.
advantage: The major advantage of a Hub_zone certification is that the
small business owners get some preferential treatment during placing
bids for the federal government contracts. The HUBZone registered firm
gets an additional 10% as cost advantage to bid on the federal
government contracts, in comparison the non-registered firms.
|S|B|G|A| will register your firm as a SBA
certified firm, you get to enjoy certain preferences.
These SBA
certified firms get selected by the larger companies, many of which are
enlisted under the Fortune 500, for assisting them in completing the
federal government contracts.
The contract value of nearly $500,000 is
the minimum amount that the larger firm bids for. So as a smaller
organization you get to have the opportunity of being a part of this
large project.
|S|B|G|A| offers FREE initial consultation
|S|B|G|A| provide Fully expedited HUBZone certification service
for as low as $2750