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DIA Industry Day


Defense Intelligence Agency Hosting a Industry Day

"Small Business Engagement Day / Speed Dating Event"

Nov 19, 2024

Free Event

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is pleased to announce an Industry Engagement Day / Speed Dating Event for the fall of 2024.

Through this RFI we are seeking at least 40 DIA large prime vendors (currently supporting DIA).

Event our goals are to:
  • connect DIA prime contractors with skilled small businesses;
  • facilitating subcontracting opportunities;
  • provide a platform for small businesses to understand the needs and requirements of DIA projects.

If you are a DIA large business prime Subcontractor Manager and would like to participate, or have any questions about the event please contact Mr. Michael Morales at michael.morales@dodiis.mil.

Specific date hasn’t been determined yet; however, further details will be shared here in the upcoming weeks. Our Contracting Office is continuously striving to foster new alliances with industry partners through corporate outreach and engagement opportunities, and this event will ensure we begin FY25 on a high note.